In the field with SLAYER
Best Goose Hunting States 2024
Written by M.D. Johnson If you’d asked me, a Buckeye Boy, to name the best goose hunting state back in the early 1970s, I’m not sure how I would have answered that. What I do know is I wouldn’t have suggested Ohio! But that was then and this, as is said, is now. And, fortunately…
The Axe, Slayer’s Newest Honker Call – Demo / Sound-file
Beautifully crafted from bocote wood, the Axe honker slayer is designed to require less breath than others on the market, so callers can make longer runs in their routines. Even with less air, our call doesn’t compromise on the variety of goose sounds. When Canada geese hunters slay with us, they get more sound from…
Slayer Calls coach Tommy Sessions teaches hunters the spit note
Unlock the secrets of effective goose calling with master caller Tommy Sessions. This series walks Beginner and Intermediate hunters through calling fundamentals and beyond. Learn how to control your call’s back pressure; how to breathe into your call correctly; plus, master a dozen different calls. With a lot of practice, you’ll be seeing set wings…